» Energy Mod v5.0 Finally Released!
Posted October 30, 2004. By Lt.Zack.
Thats right as of this moment Energy Mod v5.0 is ready to download! Just click HERE and go download the mod now!
The mod is in several forms, there is the basic version for those that do not use mod swapper and then the intro for that version you dont need the intro but it is really cool so if you got a good net connection I suggest you get it . The others are for those that wish to use Mod Swapper with Energy Mod, there is a full version with intro and a light without it and then the intro seperate just incase you got the light version and still want the intro .
If you want any info on the mod just check out the screenshots section! And last thing if anyone has ANY problems installing the mod or has any concerns with the mod (errors, balance issues, anything) just head over to our forums and let us know .
» Screenshot of the Day!
Posted May 25, 2004. By Lt.Zack.
as you have noticed we will be having a new something everyday as the screenshot of the day! Today is the USA Crusier!